
Didonè Comacchio Architects

Piazzetta via campagnola

Rosà, 2020

La proposta progettuale intende riqualificare l’area in via Campagnola dove attualmente vi è una strettoia in corrispondenza del capitell...

ARW Associates - Botticini + Facchinelli

A common Place in Darfo Boario Terme

Darfo Boario Terme, 2021

Darfo is a thermal resort in the lower Camonica Valley, surrounded by a beautiful mountain range and internationally known for its therma...

Roland Baldi Architects

Station Square Collalbo

Collalbo, 2021

In the right square at the right time! Until recently, those traveling by train to Collalbo, when exiting the station building, were fac...

C+S Architects

Piazza del Cinema

Lido di Venezia, 2019

Piazza del Cinema by C+S Architects In 1857 the construction of the first seaside resort in the island of Lido in Venice was opening a st...


L.B.Alberti Square Redevelopment

Mantova, 2020

Una lettura storica ci racconta come la Piazza Leon Battista Alberti si sia definita nella sua attuale configurazione solo all’inizio del...

noa* network of architecture

Ötzi Peak 3251m

Schnals Valley Glacier, 2020

Where a raindrop begins its long journey into the sea, new perspectives appear: at the new observation deck on the Schnals Valley Glacier...

CLAB Architettura

Ferdinando Savoia Square


The design proposal for the re-qualification of “Piazza Fernando di Savoia”, a neglected open area entirely used for parking, located in ...

Scandurra Studio

Uptown - Complesso residenziale Cascina Merlata

Milano, 2018

UpTown è il primo smart district di Milano, una città nella città in cui trovano spazio i temi della sostenibilità, della mobilità green,...

Schiattarella Associati

Piazza a Vacone

Vacone, 2017

Schiattarella Associati ha completato il progetto di riqualificazione della piazza di Vacone, un piccolo paese sui monti Sibillini nella ...

MBM Arquitectes

Transformation of the area around the station

Parma, 2014

As in so many European cities, in Parma the railway is a major urban barrier, above all in the area near the station, which suffers from ...


Riqualificazione urbana della corte storica del…

Lugo, Ravenna, 2017

Gruppo di progettazione: P'ARC (Enrica Dall'Ara, capogruppo, Matteo Zamagni, Sara Angelini) and stARTT Aspetti agronomici: Paolo Rosetti ...

Giuseppe Lunardini

Terrazza Petroni

Lucca, 2002

The basis of this project idea was to give citizens the view over one of the most interesting side of the floodplain of the Serchio river...



Solferino, 2004

Reconstruction of the front of the church and alignment of the entrance redefine the perspective of the horizon. The weaker edge on the l...


Ponte Parodi

Genoa, 2016

The Ponte Parodi project is part of the Italian city of Genoa's plan for the revitalisation of the harbour front area. As the industr...

C+S Architects

UPC – Underground parking Conegliano

Conegliano, 2007

The underground parking and temporary square occupy the space of the old military square of Caserma San Marco. The main aim of the projec...

C+S Architects

INFR – Infrastructures

Sant'Erasmo island, 2008

uspended between land and sea, the landscape of the project is the lagoon of Venice. It is the landscape of a physical and mental journey...

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