Photo © Rita Burmester
Photo © Rita Burmester
Photo © Rita Burmester
Photo © Rita Burmester
Photo © Rita Burmester
Photo © Rita Burmester
Photo © Atelier XYZ
Photo © Rita Burmester
Photo © Atelier XYZ
Photo © Rita Burmester
Photo © Atelier XYZ
Photo © Rita Burmester
Drawing © COR
Visualization © Hélder Magalhães
Drawing © COR
Drawing © COR
Drawing © COR

Rehabilitation of the Old Resin Factory

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Marinha Grande, Portugal
Marinha Grande City Hall
COR arquitectos Roberto Cremascoli Edison Okumura Marta Rodrigues

The relevance of the structure meant to be rehabilitated, the Market, of immense historical importance and an almost mandatory daily passage, and also the existence of numerous green areas, as frequent as the buildings, allied to the functional programme planned for that location (city hall services, commerce, offices, museum and auditorium) defined the project’s basic concept: the approach to the building’s original composition. It was, then, decided to uncover the central patio.
The Central Patio transforms into a big internal “public square” which may have different uses, besides the obvious feature for working as a terrace area, it can also host cultural and sport events.

The main intervention is based on the construction of a new building (NAC – Contemporary Art Nucleus), “embracing” the old one, able to become a symbol of the city. A box made of glass, the symbol material of Marinha Grande, national capital of the glass.

Other Projects by COR arquitectos

Rehabilitation of the Garibaldi square
Rooftop pavillon at "Grande Hotel do Porto"
Porto, Portugal
Gallarate Residential Complex